segunda-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2018

Divine Moon

Eternal light of the divine eyes
that I will love.
That the truth expresses
What of a sublime rose
the most perfect flower sprouted.
Who by defects sigh
I will forever.
Eternal moon of divine beauty
pure divine art of creation
In the heart lies love.
more noble than by him
so much yearning.
Noble and serene makes the moon
more beautiful.
What of love sighs my
heart forever.
Thankful for the existence of such a moon
sublime that my heart
makes you sigh.
From the eyes I admire the
look I stay forever
to dream in the full light of
eyes moonlight that makes them love them.
Eternal light sublime moon
I admire and sigh.
What makes your light sublime
It brings me inspiration.
Not the act to describe acts
sublime and noble beauty.
How beautiful it makes itself glorious
as much as unsurpassed. - Tiago Amaral

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