segunda-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2018

Divine Existence

So glorious does such an existence.
Sublime in the act of love me
makes you sigh; by your name
to plead
What is perfection if not
acts noble and divine existence.
That just by existing already brings me
in the act of love, sighs.
So divine is done
the existence of my beloved.
Admire my heart to yours.
God has brought the earth, so
beautiful so I sigh for her.
And whoever
You touched your lips ...
And in the act of proving the nectar
of your lips, did not feel
love would not be worthy then
of such beatitude.
The one to touch the lips of my
He did not deserve such a fool,
be praised.
And the one whose eyes upon seeing
Such beauty, watch the screen.
Such a beautiful thing,
you were not born to be possessed,
but to be contemplated and loved.
He deserved such a foolish soul to suffer
in hell.
For only wanting such a pure thing
and so beautiful.
Let your eyes be upon me.
showed the ways of God.
Sorry for the other ladies, who
for kind and noble, be mine
heart to you.
But, suffer from exists in the universe
and on this earth, another lady.
That achieves a simple gesture of
my beloved; that another
man, bring such hope and awaken
such love. - Tiago Amaral

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