domingo, 22 de julho de 2018

Wild Loneliness

Man gains the ability
to transcend when you lose
the ability to be afraid of dying.
And self-knowledge.
I'll take the risk to lose me
in the mountains.
I will give myself body and soul
to nature.
I always kept it for her.
I have always had this ambition to
live a truth. And not one
My heart is wild and
It is too wild to
live a lie in
of society.
It's too true
too much for one day to live
my dream.
When I met the story of
Chris Macclade, yes Kerouac, at the
reads about the life of Jack London, I
I also decided to become a
adventurer, a lonely traveler.
Standing on the road, towards nature
never to return.
Do not even think about returning
the civilization.
I will die free between mountains
in the most total and pure eremitical
Or simply free. - Tiago Amaral

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