terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2018

Mystic Solitude

It is never late as one is never late.
Do not stop believing in strength
able to make everything happen.
To make of force so eternal a force
as the infinite.
When you have this strength when you look
the horizontal line of the horizon is not seen
limits see only beauty.
And the force becomes unlimited when
you can still believe in what you are still able to see.
And be able to feel firmly how much
It's worth just believing what you still can
of dreaming.
In what is as impossible as
Possible; so it's worth just dreaming and
to believe.
When you are sure you are sure
that you know this force.
When man felt this strength he knows
that nothing else can fill the void.
When looking between mountains and pines to
the sky that glitters full of glittering stars.
You will remember beauty as rare as
of the feminine eyes of the goddess
with beauty it fills this emptiness.
In the heart of the man who with love so much
to love.
Not the most satisfying thing of either
possibility of being alone.
And hold the world in your arms and
eternal love in the eyes of a goddess. - Tiago Amaral

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